SvelteKit and Go

After playing around with various bits and pieces, I think I’ve found a workable development model for me. I had a look at htmx and I kinda like it. It comes closest to what I’m used to in terms of developing web applications. But that’s also the problem. I want to learn something new. As I mentioned before, that something is Svelte. Now there’s a new kit in town (see what I did there?…
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The Project

The reason I’m getting into Javascript development in earnest is that I’ve wanted to realise a rather big project for years. That project is a complete solution for doing GTD®️. GTD stands for Getting Things Done. It’s a set of habits and rules for how to deal with the onslaught of tasks in modern-day life. Basically, it teaches you to get things out of your head by writing them down, clarifying what needs to be done about them next, and making you review your system regularly.…
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I’m trying again. Since my last attempt at keeping a blog my software development journey has taken me into Javascript land. Specifically, I’m trying to learn to develop web applications using Svelte. I thought it would be a good idea to document here what I’m learning, partly for me as a reference, because I’m sure I’ll forget about much of it as time goes by, partly for other people who are trying something similar.…
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